I Forgot

I forgot what it felt like to be liked. I forgot how it felt to wake up and think ‘he just might be thinking about me right now’ and praying he’d see me in the halls and say hi. I forgot how it felt to rush home and whip my laptop open to see if he’s attempted to contact me. I forgot about that light, bubbly feeling I got anytime he said something sweet. And it seems that in the brief period of time that  I had spent relieving these feelings I also forgot how it felt to not feel that way. I forgot how it felt to wake up and realizing that the only reason why I’m getting up is because I have to. I forgot what it felt like to stare at the screen and waiting for him to text, email, call. telegraph, something. I forgot how empty I felt when I realized that he wouldn’t text or call because he wasn’t thinking of me. I have now become reacquainted with these feelings. I forgot how much it hurt.

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Mmmm Watcha Saaay....?